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Why Get Involved?

The Lamar PTA reinvests $40,0000+ back into Lamar Middle School each year.

The programs the PTA funds include:

1. After School Clubs

Our weekly after-school clubs for students offer a range of interesting topics and activities, social groups, and homework support. (And students don’t even have to sign up – they can just show up!)

The Lamar PTA provides startup funds and stipends for teachers who sponsor the clubs – including stipends for teachers who host existing clubs (GSA, Science and D&D).  We want to support the wonderful volunteerism of these teachers who have gone above and beyond to offer enrichment to our students with a stipend every grading period.


Last year, we offered:

• Art Club
• Board and Card Games
• Photography
• Rec Sports and Ultimate Club
• Homework Club

This year we are looking to add some exciting new offerings, such as:

• AI/STEM Maker and Tinkerer
• Anime and Mange
• Black Student Union
• Book Club
• Creative Writing
• Environment Appreciation
• Game Design
• Gardening
• Knitting/Crochet/Embroidery
• Photography
• Social Emotional Learning/Life Coaching
• Yoga
• Zine

2. Parent Information Sessions 
We will be hosting three Parent Information Sessions where we bring in members of the community like law enforcement, social workers, and other subject matter experts to come and speak to parents on hot topics. Stay tuned!

3. Scottie Fund 
We provide up to $400 of funds for every teacher, teaching assistant, counselor, and librarian to use for anything from supplies, class room decorations, continuing education and training, or whatever they need to best serve our students.

4. Campus Beautification 
The PTA works to make our campus better, updating signs, new paint jobs, and even new plants. We installed roses around the front of the school last year. This year we are beautifying common areas and hope to create murals and create a butterfly garden. We also provide care for the campus chickens!

5.Staff Appreciation
This committee provides monthly staff appreciation events, from coffee bars, goody bags, and thank you luncheons once a semester. We really blow it out for teacher appreciation week!

6. Keep Lamar Weird Dance Thingy
Did you know PTA runs our annual dance/social for ALL students. We provide food, carnival games, decorations, giveaways, a DJ, a lot of parent volunteers to ensure students can get together and have a safe but fun night.

7. 6th Grade Orientation Camp
We host an orientation for all incoming 6th graders so they can get a feel for the school, know what it’s like to find a classroom, and have the opportunity to meet their principal and vice principal.

8. 8th Grade Advancement Trip and Ceremony
PTA plans and hosts the 8th grade trip to Typhoon Texas in May and hosts an advancement ceremony on the last day of school for 8th graders who are moving on to high school.

And much more we do with your generous support!!!!

Your membership dues to Lamar PTA also enroll you in the:


These organizations do so much to benefit the welfare of children across our city, state and nation.

Here are some member perks from those organizations: